I arrived in Mozambique September the 29th after missing my connecting flights in Atlanta. That ordeal was a long headake and I wanted to turn around and fly back to dallus,but I new my mission and what the Lord was saying to me was clear. God is my delight!!!
The first week was in Beria Mozambique to help with a conferance,and it went fast. This was an extra out reach I chose to do before school started. Our leaders were Ken and Jan Wigley from Australia amazing people and funny too. You will here me say that a lot because everyone was pretty amazing. As we flew into Mozambique the Lord said to me "I am giving you a new sword and I will teach you how to use it." Our week in Beria we prayed for many people on the streets and invited them to the meetings. I prayed for a blind lady and a baby with stomach pain. We really take much for granted in the westen world, for example books they don't have them readily availabe as we do so the books become special,any little book with words. We were asked to hand out little book tracks and at first were only going to take a few but were told take them all because we would hand them all out in a matter of not minunits but seconds. No joke! All we had to do was stand next to the bus stop,people were actually comming to me asking for one. The outdoor stadium was made to hold 3000 people, most every night it was full. God is moving in Africa. The last night of are time there the pastor and his team prayed over our team. We all fall down in the Holy Spirit and my whole upper body was shaking. Now God dose not do things without a purpose,I recieved healing in my back and arms, Praise God!! I also now reallize that it was the beginning of my spirital sword trainning.
"The Lord's Spirit has come to me, because He has chosen me to tell the good news to the poor.
The lord has sent me to annnounce freedom for prisoners, to give sight to the blind, to free everyone who suffers." Luke 4:18
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