Thursday, August 7, 2008

The Beautiful Butterfly

"But now ask the beasts,and let them teach you;And the birds of the heavens,and let them tell you. Or speak to the earth,and let it teach you; And let the fish of the sea declare to you. Who among all these dose not knowthat the hand of the Lord has done this.
In whose hand is the life of every living thing.
Job 12:7-10

A small caterpillar inched its way purposefully across the porch. I stepped aside to aviod stepping on it and watched it continue its journey. As I watched I thought about how I had moved to protect this small creation so it could continue its journey. Why do we protect such mundane and small craeture? Why...because it is going to become something beautiful one day. It will turn into a beautiful butterfly and I don't want to hinder or stop the caterpillar from becomming something so beautiful. The caterpiller has a difficult journey to become what God intends it to become. When the time comes for the caterpillar to become that beautiful butterfly it will weave itself into a chrysalis and allow God to take complete control. The caterpillar will totally disintegrate and God will totally rebuild it and it will become a new creature. As the butterfly emerges from the protective cocoon it stuggles but the struggle makes it strong and able to fly. It emerges a new and beautiful creature ready to begin a new.

This is how I see Grace House for these girls who have beenhurt and wounded inthe deep recesses of their hearts. Grace House is their cocoon a place where they can give themselves over totally to God. It is a safe place where they can allow God to begin a new work within them. A place where God can heal and redeem and they can once again be the beautiful person God intended them to be.

1 comment:

Unknown said...


You are being prayed for. What a sweet reminder of how in many ways the Lord views his people. You are so sweet. I want you to continue doing the things God is calling you to do. You are a blessing to every single person around you.